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Lowongan Jakarta Posisi Primary Teacher di Nord Anglia School JakartaIndonesia

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Published 2 months ago

Di wilayah Jakarta, perusahaan Nord Anglia School JakartaIndonesia sedang mencari individu yang berbakat untuk mengisi posisi Primary Teacher. Kami menawarkan jenis pekerjaan Full-time yang menarik.

Kami memprioritaskan kandidat yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang dan pengalaman kerja pemula/senior. Selain itu, integritas, kedisiplinan, dan tanggung jawab adalah nilai-nilai yang kami harapkan dari calon karyawan.

Gaji yang kami tawarkan sangat kompetitif, dengan perkiraan sekitar {salary}. Namun, jumlah gaji ini dapat berfluktuasi tergantung pada kebijakan perusahaan.

Perusahaan Nord Anglia School JakartaIndonesia beroperasi di sektor sesuai perusahaan, yang menawarkan berbagai peluang dan tantangan menarik. Jika Anda tertarik dengan peluang karier ini, kami mengundang Anda untuk mengajukan lamaran segera.

Informasi Lowongan

Perusahaan:Nord Anglia School JakartaIndonesia
Posisi:Primary Teacher
Kota:Jakarta, Jakarta
Gaji:IDR 2.000.000 - IDR 6.500.000 per Month
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full-time

Deskripsi Lowongan

Job type:
Full Time, Fixed Term
Apply by:
9 February 2025

Job overview


Nord Anglia School Jakarta, Indonesia

NAS Jakarta is looking to recruit Primary Class Teachers to drive excellent teaching and learning at our school.

Nord Anglia Education, the world’s leading premium school’s organisation, is looking to recruit Key Stage 2 teachers to join our Primary team in Jakarta. This is an exciting opportunity to create a generation of resilient and creative global citizens, who will change our world for the better.

We create unique opportunities to benefit our students and people, such as the Global Campus, Nord Anglia University, and our collaborations with The Juilliard School, MIT, UNICEF, and King’s College London.

About the role

As a member of our Primary team at the Nord Anglia School Jakarta, we’ll look to you to promote high expectations for our students, designing learning activities that are aligned to our school’s international curriculum and creating a learning culture where there are no limits to what can be achieved. You will foster an environment of respect within the classroom, facilitating learning through questioning and discussion.

About the school

For more than fifty years, the Nord Anglia School Jakarta has offered a high quality international education to children aged from 1.5 to 12 years on an attractive, green campus located in a quiet residential district of South Jakarta (Kemang – Ampera Raya) in Indonesia. Since May 2017, NAS Jakarta has been a proud member of the Nord Anglia Education family of schools. offering an outstanding programme to both expatriate and Indonesian children. With 30 nationalities in our community, we value our diversity and strong reputation as a friendly, welcoming school.

About you

Keen to collaborate and share your specialist expertise, you will be a fitting ambassador for the school. You will communicate with confidence across diverse audiences and situations, using your expertise to build strong relationships with parents and students. You will be able to adapt quickly to our fast-paced international environment as well as meet visa-related restrictions for Indonesia, including at least 5 years’ teaching experience.

How to apply

We welcome applications from individuals who are passionate about education and have the skills and experience to make a significant impact on our students and school community.

To apply for this role please include a cover letter and CV.

Closing date: Monday 10th February 2025

Start date: 1st August 2025

About Nord Anglia School Jakarta

    Nord Anglia School Jakarta
    Jalan NIS 1, Kenanga Terusan, Ampera Raya, Cilandak

+62 1 782 3930

About Nord Anglia School Jakarta

Nord Anglia School Jakarta delivers a British international education to Early Years and Primary students. Our secure, leafy campus and friendly, caring community inspires our students to achieve their very best, while having the confidence to embrace what makes them special through our personalised approach to learning.

At NAS Jakarta, we celebrate everything that makes each child unique by creating a personalised learning journey that’s just as special as they are. Within our small classes and safe community, our teachers nurture each student’s curiosity and confidence, which also builds their courage to take on any of life’s colourful challenges.

Our international curriculum provides an engaging, thematic, and inquiry-based foundation, with emotional, social, and physical skills woven throughout. NAS Jakarta students are articulate speakers, confident learners, and engaging collaborators. From the exciting books they read, through to the environment that surrounds them, we nurture a sense of wonder and curiosity in everything they do.

NAS Jakarta is part of Nord Anglia Education, the world’s leading premium international school’s organisation.


  • Berpengalaman di Bidang Terkait (diutamakan)
  • Dapat Bekerja dalam Tim
  • Tidak Terlibat dalam Tindak Pidana
  • Usia Minimum 17 Tahun
  • Memiliki Kemampuan Komunikasi yang Baik
  • Fisik dan Rohani Sehat
  • Pendidikan Minimal SMA/SMK
  • Mampu Bekerja di Bawah Tekanan
  • Bersedia Ditempatkan di Lokasi Kerja yang Ditentukan

Alamat Perusahaan

Provinsi Jakarta
Kota Jakarta
Google Map Google Map

Lamar Pekerjaan

Pastikan anda mengisi form lamaran terlebih dahulu dan menunggu HRD memanggil interview sebelum anda mendatangi perusahaan secara langsung.

Melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya.

Semoga kalian mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan.

Jika anda menemukan lowongan yang terindikasi penipuan tolong laporkan kepada kami.

Informasi Perusahaan

Nord Anglia School JakartaIndonesia